Saturday, January 27, 2007

Shep Nachas 2

Every once in a while you experience that moment when you can step back and look at a class at work and shep nachas (Nachas generally refers to getting satisfaction or pleasure from someone or something. When you shep nachas, you take pride in something.) Pacheco's 4th graders were busy at work in pairs viewing quicktime movies either/or on Chief Seattle (coordinated with their recent museum trip) and colonial times. They had word templates that I set up with questions to answer that they were editing to place in their work folders. Not a sound was heard, no need for help-but to get to that stage.....good teachers to work with, trusting administrators, a lot of planning, a lot of procedural and organization skills to be taught, a lot of learning from the past. Absolutely no high priced consultants, no bold new plans, absolutely no teacher's college meaningless bs jargon.

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