Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A Sunday Cup Of Joe With Joey B

I had thought that the erstwhile and very literate cousin Jerry would be providing some guest blogging from time to time, but he seems to have taken a hiatus. Instead I look to my old childhood pal Joey B for some gem-like insights of true life observations. They usually appear early Sunday mornings in my email and being that it is after midnight on Wednesday I illogically pass it on to you:
"First off, just so you know, I’m not about bragging. That’s not what this is here. The thing is that I’m about learning from my mistakes and I take a certain pride in that. I’m not talking about arrogance or haughty airs, I’m simply referring to the satisfaction that can be derived from patiently sifting through the backlog of experiences to pluck out nuggets of wisdom that coming sliding by. It takes a keen eye to discern what can be obtained using this method but were I able to show you the storeroom of trophies I’ve collected using this technique I know what your first piece of advice would be. You’d say, Joey, you need a larger apartment. This stuff is crowding you out. And I would of course take that as a compliment, smile and reply, “De nada.” So much for the preamble. Here’s the bit. Only yesterday morning I burnt my Cuisinart coffee pot so bad that the light green enamel glaze - which is why I wanted the pot in the first place, I can’t get enough celadin in my life if you want to know the truth.

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