About the film that I missed: "This major new documentary about anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti focuses on one of the most momentous trials of the 20th century - an inspiration to generations of radicals. Offering forceful parallels to today’s disputes over civil rights, immigration, political repression, justice, and the death penalty, director Peter Miller uses beautiful prison writings of the condemned men (read by John Turturro and Tony Shalhoub) and a chorus of passionate commentators to recreate this vital story." My wife's anarchist great aunts (Fannie and Lisa Luchkovsky) were very active in the defense of Sacco and Vanzetti. Lisa's boy friend was John Nicholas Beffel who was a reporter covering the case. Beffel, was I believe, the last surviving reporter who was at the trial. Another aunt named her daughter Tisa in honor of the two martyrs (TI comes from vanzetTI and SA from SAcco).
Here's a Sacco and Vanzetti slide show made up of political cartoons from the Daily Worker of the 1920's. I also included a letter urging support from Beffel.
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