Here's some numbers from Harper's Magazine Index:
Number of times that Mary, Jesus' mother, is referenced by name in the Bible and the Koran, respectively: 19, 34[Hartford Institute for Religion Research (Hartford, Conn.)]
Percentage change last year in the number of CDs sold at Starbucks: +307[Starbucks Coffee Company (Seattle)]
Minimum number of shopping carts that went missing from L.A.–area stores last year: 6,220,000[California Shopping Cart Retrieval Corp. (Burbank)/Hernandez Cart Service Inc. (Venice, Calif.)]
Percentage of South Korean youth who say their country should back North Korea in the event of war with the U.S.: 48[The Korea Times/Hankook Ilbo (Seoul)]
Percentage of white-collar Chinese workers who have personal blogs: 52[CBP Career Consultants Co. (Shanghai)]
Weeks in advance that Al Qaeda operatives must request vacation time, according to seized documents: 10[Combating Terrorism Center (West Point, N.Y.)]
Estimated number of fake blogs created every day by websites to improve their rankings in search-engine results: 6,750[Technorati (San Francisco)]
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