Thursday, November 02, 2006

Pseudo's Cahones

I'm bouncing back from the flagellations of true confessions. Looking back to last spring, I told this scary looking dude (the outgoing DOE Technology CIO) to his face that I thought the DOE was doing a lousy job as far as professional development was concerned. The phrasing was somewhat gentler and kinder. "As someone who is a proud New Yorker, I am embarassed at what I see going on in regard to technology integration at the DOE. Compare NYC's website with any other big time city and you will see what I mean."
Here's a recent quote of his from Technology and Learning's site (,
Q. Do you have regular professional development workshops for teachers?
A. It’s extremely variable across the system because it’s not something that’s funded as a centrally provided program. Given our size, there’s a little bit of everything going on. Some folks have the luxury of getting huge amounts [of instruction] targeted toward technology, others don’t get anywhere near enough. It’s just a big range."
I would say 22 schools get a huge amount (of sucky) staff development)-the rest of the 1400, practically nada
Inquiring minds?
Oh yes, definitely

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