Monday, November 06, 2006

Bearded Deceptions

Cases in point: Note the secret signal. Note the definition of a beard from the Urban Dictionary:
"a man or woman used as a cover for a gay partner." Note that staff development, the linchpin of the very, very expensive DOE program is a costly beard of patronage for real staff development. Again from that terrific Norm Scott article of previous post, "The best staff development is observation, followed by hands on practice, not lectures! ..... We have enough local success stories and expert teachers whose talents and accomplishments are being ignored."
Won't some NYC public official ever press to open the black book on how much is being spent on staff development and connect the dots.

1 comment:

DirkStar said...

Narcissistic and pretentious pseudo intellectual? Nah, droll and just a smidge elitist perhaps. Still, I enjoyed the visit and would send some of my more droll friends to peruse your ramblings...