Sunday, August 31, 2008

Welcome Republicans

Could it be that all this controversy surrounding the choice of Palin is a plot:
from whatreallyhappened
We know that McCain was still pushing for Joe Lieberman to be VP as of last Sunday. McCain might have chosen Palin in a desperation ploy, or maybe out of pique at being denied his first choice. Or... and here is where the convention will get interesting, the GOP leadership has realized that McCain cannot win against Obama, either with Lieberman or without, and saddled him with a crippling choice for VP in a ploy to get McCain to decide to refuse the nomination, thereby opening up a floor fight for a new set of nominees. Yes, it's kind of a wild idea. But right now I am having a hard time seeing the GOP as being that incredibly stupid in choosing Sarah Palin as the candidate for VP.

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