Saturday, January 12, 2008

Bloomberg Girl 6: Merv Griffin

Merv came out of the closet from the "next world" and heard about the Bloomberg Girl auditions and now he wants in. This song is certainly non-sensible enough for anyone considering a Bloomberg presidency
down at the english fair
one evening i was there
when i heard a showman shouting underneath the flair
i've got a lovely bunch of coconuts
there they are standing in a row
big ones small ones some as big as your head
give 'em a twist
a flick of the wrist
that's wut the show man said
now that i've got a lovely bunch of coconuts
everybody knows they'll make me rich
there stands me wife
the idle of me life
singing a rolly polly paul a penny a pitch
singing a rolly polly paul a penny a pitch
rolly polly paul
a rolly polly paul
singing rolly polly paul a penny a pinch

i've got a lovely bunch of coconuts
*how lovely*
there they are standing in a row
big ones small ones some as big as your head
*and bigger*
give 'em a twist
a flick of the wrist
that's wut the show man said
now that i've got a lovely bunch of coconuts
everybody knows they'll make me rich
there stands me wife
the idle of me life
singing a rolly polly paul a penny a pitch
singing a rolly polly paul a penny a pitch
rolly polly paul
a rolly polly paul
singing rolly polly paul a penny a pinch

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