Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Liberty Tree

from Amazon: "Grade 2-4-Lively and accessible, The Liberty Tree makes history fun. Like Betsy and Giulio Maestro's The New Americans (Lothrop, 1998), it offers an evenhanded account of a particular part of the past, in this case, the events leading directly to the American Revolution. The first double-page spread introduces the actual Liberty Tree, an elm in Boston, which became a symbol for the new land during the mid-1700s. Other two-page chapters describe topics such as the French and Indian War, the Stamp Act of 1765, the Boston Massacre, spies, Paul Revere's ride, the first shot at Lexington, women and the war, and the Declaration of Independence. Penner uses a neutral tone throughout, describing, for example, the difficult lives of the British Redcoats. With descriptions of battles and events, the book contains plenty of action. Excellent cartoon-style illustrations are colorful and abundant. Informative and entertaining, this book makes a fine introduction to history." Marta Stewart turned me on to this wonderful book last year. Marta Stewart is herself a real turn on. Here's a slide show of part of the book.and as a bonus, Here's an activity sheet created for pages 2-3.

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