Thursday, September 08, 2005

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

If I was the king, I might have (literal)..... Which is the real Landreu? She doesn't have figurative kahones either. Early on she came off as an administration apologist in a CNN interview- now she is in tears and her comment about people floating in attics is tasteless. Senator Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana) took a reporter on a helicopter ride, showing him where her camp used to be. Landrieu has said that she has expected this to happen for years and had begged and pleaded for help – for years – and people ignored her. She talked about people in the houses who might be floating near their roofs, holding their babies. She said that the prisoners were evacuated from the prison so that they wouldn't go wild in the city. She said that she would assault the President of the United States if he criticized the sheriff. She screamed that the President had gotten a photo op down there, that the President had cut the budget, and she burst into tears.On the ground, through crying, she said that she wants all the assets the President has, all the military, unlimited resource, and she called for a cabinet level person who reports to the President to take charge of the efforts in Louisiana. Here's the video of the event.

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