Sunday, September 18, 2005

The House I LIve In: The Rainforest

Wouldn't you know it, with all my summer planning on the topic, my first breakthrough of the year is Ms. Matthews' student teacher who wanted help with a unit on the book, "The Great Kapok Tree." Hey, I thought, that's a "house I live in" too. You've got to be pretty sharp to fly in under that TC Literacy "no social studies please" radar. Here's a slide show of the book (a lot of manual labor scanning, but worth it). The book also has a great map of the world's rainforests, which I posterized for a bulletin board. Here's a pdf file with several suggestions on how to follow up. I downloaded a couple of easy unitedstreaming videos on the rainforest as well. To save me the wear and tear of linking files, download the image of the kapok tree info page directly from this posting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Great Kapok Tree is a beautifully illustrated book with vivid images well worth the scanning. Important message and lessons to be learned.
Thanks for blogging,