Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Advertisements For Myself

I used to think I was so hip reading Mailer (graduate of PS 161K in Crown Heights) back in the late 60's and early 70's. I usually got lost in all of his self absorbed machinations, but he was on target politically and also unintentionally prescient (say that secret pseudo intellectual word and win a prize) with the ME decades to come. Anyway, that walking my baby post reminded me of one of my favorite projects, the one I did with Barry Rosen's first graders last year. Their learning fair project connection to the transportation theme was on the theme of walking. Barry made a great iMovie with the kids on their predictions on the amount of steps it would take to get to different places. I showed them my karaoke version of Nat King Cole's "Walking My Baby" and then had them recreate the images in another slide show. It was a lot of fun. Here's version one and here's version two. BTW there's no more learning fair at PS 20. . What took the Doc years to build is being destroyed in a matter of months. Barry was lucky he transferred last year.

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