Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Recipe For Vichyssoise

from ednotes online. While a vocal, unbought force was there to counter this exercise in fear mongering propaganda, Randi paid homage to Mike
Protest Bloomberg/Weingarten Pro-Mayoral Control Sunday
Weingarten, Patterson, Bloomberg and others will be holding a pro-mayoral control rally Sunday in Harlem. GEM, ICE, Parent Commission and others will be there to say:
REAL CHANGE to Mayoral Dictatorship -- OR LET THE LAW SUNSET!
Leonie Haimson on the nyc public school parents blog
REAL CHANGE to Mayoral Dictatorship -- OR LET THE LAW SUNSET!
Two stories today – about how the Mayor and his supporters are fear-mongering, in an attempt to convince the public that “chaos” and “confusion” will reign supreme if the law is allowed to sunset Tuesday night. See today’s NY Times, and the Daily News– which make it clear that these predictions of disaster are to try to force the Senate’s hand into acceding into the Mayor’s demands and accept the Assembly bill unchanged.
As Bloomberg has warned, if they try to change one word in the Silver/Padavan bill there will be riots in the street.
Nonsense! Remember how chaotic all the changes the school system have been under this administration? The destruction of the districts to make regions, the elimination of the regions to make SSO’s, the chaos created when preK and G and T admissions processes were centralized, the Kindergarten waitlists, the increases in overcrowding and class size, the attempt to close zoned schools and put charters in their place?
In fact, the philosophy of this administration has been to provoke as much “creative confusion” as possible, to enhance their lock on the system. Early on, Joel Klein told a reporter: “By doing the reorganization and actually causing some creative confusion in the system, it does make it harder for people to just rock back.”
What they fear is not chaos but the loss of total power. Riots in the street? Only if Bloomberg personally pays the rioters will this occur. The Daily News reported the mayor's comments about the looming specter of communism as well. Both papers then quoted a series of experts including former Assembly Education Committee chair Steve Sanders, Board of Ed attorney David Bloomfield and former Chancellor Harold Levy to counter the administration arguments for impending chaos. Here's Bloomfield:
"There isn't a doomsday scenario unless the mayor brings it upon the city himself," said former top Board of Education lawyer David Bloomfield"
"He would cause the chaos."

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