Saturday, April 14, 2007

Sonia Diaz Belichick

I noticed the other day that there was a great upsurge in my blog readership. What could account for it? The last time that happened is when some British and Australian sites found my pictures of Russell Crowe that I took when he was filming in Harlem in the fall. I think what may happened this time were people finding a pic I had of Bill Belichick's chick, Sharon Shenocca. Also folks from Baltimore checking out their new Deputy Superintendent's, Sonia Diaz's (Dis) Qualifications. Well, thngs have resumed to normal, so I thought I punch it up with some new stuff about that newswworthy duo. Evidently Bill took a different woman to the NCAA finals. that's her above. Sharon, who lives in Park Slope probably couldn't go because she had to put in time at the Park Slope Food Coop. As for Sonia, she's got a shiny new face. Guess, it's one of those expensive facial grubs gone awry.
Here's a letter to the editor from the Baltimore Sun
Wrong leadership for county schools
It seems that Baltimore County schools Superintendent Joe A. Hairston has hired Sonia Diaz, someone he has known for 10 years, in spite of the fact that she was recently fired by the Las Cruces school system in New Mexico after only four months as its leader ("'Assertive' leader to apply audit," March 7).
Las Cruces cited her poor management style, yet Mr. Hairston says, "We needed someone who understands leadership."
I would suggest that someone who "understands leadership" might be able to squeeze more than four months out of a leadership position.
Kenneth Shapiro

Read this from the which had a lot to do with canning Sonia only a few months into her regime in New Mexico. I guess it's the same educational bravo sierra all over

"As to applying business systems models to our school, no amount of data gathering will mean anything if it doesn't have this little thing called COMMON SENSE following it. New Mexico's continuous improvement model, as well as what's happening at OƱate and throughout the state with hostile 'systems' takeovers, will make NO difference, because it's systems for the sake of systems, there is zero common sense, especially from the site coaches.These schools perpetually don't make AYP, it's because they're too caught up in doing all of these nit picking activities that irritate the teachers and mean nothing to the students. Common sense has left our schools, and in its place we have absolutely and utter b-s.
If our Leveled Book Room went beyond Q we wouldn't have to buy or create curriculum. Some teachers at our newest school didn't get Math books till February. Can you spell irresponsible?
I feel so much better now that I can observe students using "research based best practices" and determine student needs. I'll bet dollars to donuts that most of the jargon talkers who use the terminology research based best practices are the same yahoos who fill their conversations with acronyms and don't know exactly what their own conversations mean. But boy don't they sound smart! Meanwhile our parents, (the customers stupid!), are left wondering what we are teaching their children and they have less and less faith in us."

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