In memory of the David brothers of Brownsville. Hal died yesterday. He wrote the lyrics to "I Say A Little Prayer." His older brother Mack died in 1993. He wrote the lyrics to "Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo."
Dedicated to such 2012 Yankee failures as Phil Hughes, ARod, Merry Andruw, Russell Martin, Freddy Garcia and Joe's binder; the fall off of the Grandy Man, the over hyped Robbie Cano and Kevin Long, and above all the Gashman and his short sighted, penny pinching bosses. Don't blame Mariano. He's weeping with the rest of us.

Before you even throw your warm ups
I say a little prayer for you
While tearing my hair, out And wondering what way you'll allow a blow out
I say a little prayer for you
Forever, forever, you'll put a strain on my heart
and I will hate you
Forever, forever, I hope you will part
Oh, how I hate you
Your failure, Your failure, that's how it must be

Would only be heartening for me.
You throw us under the bus, dear,
While saddened I think of us, dear,
I say a little prayer for you.
The moment you suit up
Before you put on your protective cup dear
I say a little prayer for you
While watching your ever-greying hair, now,
And wondering how much your skills have worn down, now,
I say a little prayer for you
Forever, forever, we'll watch your decline
Oh, how I'll hate you
Together, together, that's how it must be
We're stuck for 5 more years with you
Truly a Yankee tragedy for we
The moment you call up
Before making one of your signing screw-ups
I say a little prayer for you
While combing your thinning hair, now,
And wondering what your crazy girl friend did now
I say a little prayer for you
Forever, forever, you'll let the wrong ones depart
and I will hate you
Forever, forever, I wish you would part
Oh, then I'd love you
Remember, remember, the greatness of Stick
To live without you
Would for yank fans most certainly do the trick.
The moment you pick your bat up
And there's a lefty match up I say a little prayer for you
While pulling my hair, now,
And wanting Ajax back now
I say a little prayer for you
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