Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Podcasting In Schools

This was broadcast on ABC news in October. It's great stuff and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to be able to do the same. It's pretty sad that New York, the greatest city in the world, doesn't have a public school system that supports this kind of work. Our teachers are just as good as Tarrytown's, even better. I have seen some terrific young people going into the profession and I'm sure there are schools in New York where great things are going on in technology but there is no systematic way to be informed and no way to share. The problem is that there is minimal support for technology at the DOE. Some pretty big salaries are being pulled down by some folks at Tweed and elsewhere. When something in tech does get showcased for the public it's by an organization like Teaching Matters or some other consultant group. To use the jargon, there's no capacity building.


Mark Gura said...

Thanks for posting this very heartening and inspiring story. It's depressing, however, to have to acknowledge that this coverage doesn't highlight activities commonly done in NYC classrooms, New York City being the center of the intellectual universe. Instead, we New Yorkers have to cheer from the sidelines as our next door neighbors hit an easy educational home run. Those of us in the know understand that the technology spotlighted in this piece is very easy to use and actually rather inexpensive compared to other instructional resources. What's remarkable here is that the educators in the news piece have found such a natural and easy fit for it in their classrooms. Bravo! The video opens with the announcer stating "It's not your father's classroom anymore!" Unfortunatly, from what I observe, far too many classrooms are still like my father's... or perhaps my grandfather's would be more accurate.

Mark Gura
Former Director,
Office of Intructional Technology
New York City Board of Education

Anonymous said...

None of this has anything to do with the November literacy strand which is non-fiction small moments and writing with fire and stamina